YES! Dogs and cats can get the canine flu, but not from you if you happen to have the flu. Although transmission is not occuring between human and dog, the canine flu can transmit easily between dogs.
Dog Flu Spreads Easier When They’re Social
- Direct contact: when dogs kiss, lick or nuzzle each other
- Through the air: from a cough or sneeze
- Contaminated objects: doggie bowls, toys, doorknobs or clothing
- Human touch: hands of pet owners or people helping to care for your dog.
The best way to prevent the canine flu is to vaccinate for it! We carry the canine influenza vaccine that contains BOTH strains of the flu virus H3N2 and H3N8.
You can determine your dog’s risk by answering this short risk quiz.
If you dog is at risk, please give our office a call to schedule an appointment for the Flu vaccine series to be started.
Dr. Judy Hung